What’s New With Determined in March

Here’s what we’ve been working on for releases 0.14.3 & 0.14.5:

  • Deformable DETR: A few weeks ago, we held a lunch-and-learn session on training object detection models at scale with Determined, which featured DETR and Deformable DETR. We added the Deformable DETR example to our repository, allowing users to take advantage of all of Determined’s features with this technique. Check out our Deformable DETR example here.
  • Hyperparameter Constraints: We want model developers to be able to use prior knowledge or domain expertise to quickly find the best-performing models. By using the Hyperparameter Search Constraints API in Determined, users can more efficiently find models that fit their particular deployment environment by simply raising an exception in their model code.
  • Hyperparameter Visualization: For the visual learners out there: We’ve added some really cool hyperparameter visualization tools to our WebUI! You can more easily visualize the relationship between your hyperparameters and model performance via heat maps, scatter plots, and parallel coordinates. Stay tuned for a full walkthrough on Determined’s hyperparameter visualization toolkit on our blog over the next couple of weeks.
  • Kubernetes gang scheduling: For our Kubernetes users, we have added support for priority and gang scheduling for distributed training jobs. This makes distributed training with Kubernetes more efficient since gang scheduling nor preemption of pods are supported by default. Learn more about scheduling on Kubernetes here.

You can read the full release notes for 0.14.3 & 0.14.5 here.

As always, we encourage you to use the latest version of Determined when running experiments. Get in touch with us on our community Slack or mailing list and refer to our documentation to learn how to install the platform and associated CLI.

If you’ve been using Determined to run experiments - or if you’re just hearing about us for the first time! - we would love for you to join us for our monthly community syncs. Feedback from our users directly impacts the product roadmap, so we’d love to hear how you’re using Determined. Our next community sync will be on April 13; join our community slack and Determined AI Meetup group to stay updated.