Determined AI Hackathon – Now Open!

The Community Team at Determined is excited to announce that we’re launching a hackathon!

What we’re looking for

If you’re reading this, chances are you are familiar with Determined’s open-source model training platform, and might even use machine learning on cutting-edge data science projects. We’re looking for hackathon submissions that demonstrate use of Determined to train deep learning models in a fun, unique, and helpful way. Originality and creativity will be rewarded, so have fun with this project!

By the way - If you have yet to try using Determined for your deep learning projects, we suggest reading our Intro to Determined blog post to get started.

What do I need to know?

For this hackathon, you can build any deep learning project you desire using the Determined platform. Even better, you do not need to spin up your own GPU infrastructure to participate! When you sign up, you can request free access to GPU compute through Determined.

Determined makes model development incredibly simple. For this hackathon, we’re looking for projects that use some of Determined’s core components – metric reporting, distributed training, hyperparameter search, checkpointing – to complete an ML experiment.

You can read more about the exact project requirements, prize information, and what we’re looking for at our Determined Hackathon homepage.


Here’s what you can win for your submission:

Grand Prize: $2,500

The Grand Prize will go to the project demonstrating the best use of Determined overall, with the Runner-Up receiving $1,000.

Best Use of Distributed Training: $500

Distributed training can drastically reduce training time for large experiments. This prize will go to the project that shows the best use of distributed training with Determined.

Creativity: $500

Our judges will award this prize to the project that shows the most creativity, for example, an uncommon ML use case.

How do I get started?

You can register today on our Determined AI Hackathon page, hosted by DevPost.

How long do I have to submit my project?

The competition deadline is April 17, 2023. We’re in the process of finalizing our panel of judges, so check back here in a few weeks for that announcement.

If you have questions about the Determined Hackathon, please email us at or join the Determined Community Slack. We’ve set up a #hackathon channel where you can get support from our staff.

Happy Training and Good Luck!